Hakunilan Huolto Oy
55 vuotta huolenpitoa

Change of address notification form

Please remember to submit a change of address notification to the maintenance company always when you move into or out of the apartment as the Digital and Population Data Services Agency does not provide the data on the change of address to the maintenance company. Only the persons entered in the tenant register are provided the door phone service or an extract from the tenant register.

You should also notify the maintenance company about any new members of your family, change in the number of tenants (e.g., your child moves out) or temporary absence (for the period over 3 months) by submitting the change of address notification.

The statutory change of address notification is submitted to the register office by phone 0203 456 456 or online at https://www.posti.fi/fi/henkiloille/muuttoilmoitus

Please note! The change of address notification does not substitute the termination of your lease agreement.

Please always fill out the fields marked with a star (*). You will be sent a copy of the data you have provided in this form.